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Central Equal Opportunities Officer


Forum Gender in Medicine
12/06/2024 at 7 pm

The next Gender in Medicine Forum will take place on June 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Haus der Universität and online and will focus on the topic: "There is a medicine for everyone." Drug therapy in the context of gender medicine.


Attention female STEM students!
Excursion to DLR!
Only a few places left!

As part of MINT@hhu, there are various events for female students of computer science, mathematics and physics, including an excursion to the German Aerospace Center (DLR). There are only a few places left.


Remaining places in HHU company daycare center and large daycare center

There are still a few places available for 2-year-old children at the HHU company daycare center - interested parents are welcome to contact the Family Advice Office at or by calling 81-10822.
There are also still places available for children aged between 1 and 3 at the "Storchennest" daycare center run by Methix in Holthausen from 01.08.24. The FamilienBeratungsBüro will also be happy to clarify the general conditions here.


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